Texas Hold'em has occasional anomalies. Check back for updates.
How the score passes from game to game
The game passes your winnings around via url address bar or using your browser's cache.
You can
always adjust your winnings by deleting or changing these numbers. In the url bar, this
is defined by: "balance='NUMBER-GOES-HERE'&", for example. In localStorage, it is
labeled as
key: "balance" and value: "NUMBER-GOES-HERE" as well.
Airplane mode
Start the game in a browser window. Do not use incognito
Wait for the cards to appear.
Once the cards are visible, you can switch your
device to airplane mode.
The game runs entirely in your browser and will continue to
function normally after this point.
Poker rules:
In Texas Hold'em, the best five-card poker hand wins the pot.
royal-flush: five consecutive cards of the same suit in order of value from 10 through
to ace
straight-flush: Any five cards of sequential values in the same suit that's not a royal
flush is a straight flush.
four-of-a-kind: he same card in all four suits.
full-house: A hand comprising the same value card in three different suits (three of a
kind) and a separate pair of the same rank card in two different suits.
When more than one player has a full house the winning hand is the one with the higher
or highest value three of a kind.
flush: Five cards of the same suit in any order whatsoever
straight: Five cards of sequential numerical value composed of more than one suit.
three-of-a-kind: A poker hand containing three cards of the same rank in three different
two-pairs: Two different sets of two cards of matching rank
pair: A pair of cards of the same rank in different suits